News: Impact Church Raises & Distributes Stimulus Funds To Local Small Businesses

News: Impact Church Raises & Distributes Stimulus Funds To Local Small Businesses

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, small business owners are facing unprecedented economic disruption. “It’s important for us to think about how this pandemic is affecting entrepreneurs who put all they had into a dream. Small businesses are still waiting for CARES Act money to come through, while large hedge funds have already been funded. It makes no sense. At Impact Church, we aim to support as many businesses as we can with the help of private foundations, businesses, and the community,” said Bishop De’Andre Salter.

Dr. Cynthia Salter-Lewis Shares How FACTS & FAITH Work Together to Reduce Your Coronavirus Fears

Dr. Cynthia Salter-Lewis Shares How FACTS & FAITH Work Together to Reduce Your Coronavirus Fears

Everyday, we are learning more about the COVID-19 Coronavirus. With new facts there is also lots of misinformation which unfortunately, gets repeated. This, in turn, causes people to make ill-informed decisions concerning the virus. This kind of behavior embraces a spirit of fear and missing the revelation about having a sound mind.