Bishop Salter Update- Joy & Faith in The Midst of it All

Hello Family,

I pray you had a healthy and happy Thanksgiving! Yes, it was quite different for many of us, but we focus on the joy of life and faith to get us through these days. I ask that you keep our world and congregation in your prayers. We have members who are battling COVID-19, in fact, the most infections since the early days of the virus in March and April. I'm thankful to God because we are overcoming this challenge together. I'm also grateful for all the medical professionals working tirelessly to lower this dreadful disease's fatality rate. I remind us to trust in the Lord in all our ways, and He will direct our path forward.

Save The Date

Please mark your calendar on January 16, 2021, for the consecration of six new pastors: Shawn Frazier, Daniel Knight, Carolyn Knight, Chentel Pullins, Tyanna LeGrand, and Shamar Styles. These men and women have been training with me for nearly two years, and they have certainly proven their character and ministry, pulling us through this pandemic. I hope that you will join Bishop Ulmer, Bishop Moody, and I as we consecrate and license them into the ecclesial office of Pastor.

Buy Black

Thank you to those who joined me in patronizing the black-owned businesses in our congregation via our website. Buying Black is trending in a way that it never has before, even with people who may never have previously considered it. At Impact Church, I want to turn that trend into a lifestyle.

Economic justice and empowerment begins with investing our dollars in Black businesses! If Black people spend 10% more with Black businesses, it will create 1,000,000 jobs because, after the government, Black businesses are the largest employers of Black people.

This is my reminder to you that after social media efforts die out, buy BLACK. When the pop-up lists and websites are no longer being updated, buy BLACK. When celebrities and influencers have moved on to the next project, buy BLACK. This is a social justice everyone can participate in.

Final Thoughts

We have the most fantastic congregation. You are great people of faith. I am most proud to call myself your Pastor. God is challenging us to be His remnant people who remain steadfast amid chaos. He has promised to bless us as a remnant even when the rest of the world is unraveling. Thank you for honoring my leadership during this season.
