Bishop Salter Update- We Are Family

Hello Family,

I know you're busy pivoting to prosper your families at home and intentionally increasing your faith, so I'll keep this note brief.

Care Makes Us Family

Pastor Dan Knight

Pastor Dan Knight

First, thank you again for the feedback you provided on our October Congregational Check-In survey. I'm glad to see so many of you want to find a way to serve and that you're doing well. If you indicated that you were struggling in any way and provided your contact information on the survey, Pastor Dan Knight and the care team will be touching base to assist. By the way, can we give a shout out to Pastor Dan's leadership and his team's dedication?

They have made had over 1,600 points of contact with members of our family during this pandemic. This means they provided calls, texts, wellness visits, prayer, counseling, and assistance at a phenomenal rate. Please, please, please, don't do life by yourself. I've seen so many people leave churches because they felt disconnected when they refused to respond to surveys, answer their phones, reply to church emails or texts, attend a small group or let anyone know they needed help. I hope you'll let us be there for you when you need us most.


I'm sorry to announce that Pamela Frazier and Ryan Ali have resigned from the pastoral training program to focus on what God has instructed them to do in this season. We can all appreciate seasons changing. I honor their service and passion for Jesus. Please pray for them as God orders their next steps.

Thank you for trusting my apostolic leadership and helping me create a safe space for leadership development. As we seek to become a modern Antioch (a place where leaders are trained and released into ministry), I ask that your heart remain open to leadership changes.

We are also excited to announce some exciting leadership development steps for those of you interested in answering the call of God soon!

My New Book – The Culture of Money

Ok, this is a shameless plug. I need your help to get the word out about one of the most important works I've ever done. The Culture of Money is an ideology for creating sustainable Black wealth. It aims to build a Black wealth movement by adopting three community-shared values: know more, own more, and pass down more. Using the power of the Black family, Black churches, and Black community organizations, I lay out a real financial healing pathway. I have some major sponsors and endorsements for this book, a small group, podcast, and training classes that will bring economic freedom to people who need it most. The book will be available for pre-order beginning this Sunday, November 15, 2020, after my interview with Bishop Van Moody, airing at 6PM(CST)/7PM(EST). My simple ask is that you tune in on Sunday night with your family and friends by clicking here. I promise you'll learn a lot and be motivated to get involved in this movement that will soon sweep the nation.

So that was not as short as I thought it would be! I'll see you online for service Sunday morning at 8:30am & 10:30am (both EST) and at my virtual fireside chat with Bishop Van Moody on Sunday evening at 7pm(EST)!

Love you dearly,
