Bishop Salter Update- Victory Over 2020 As We Move Into 2021

Happy New Year Family,

The Scripture that has been ringing in my heart in the last 24 hours has been John 14:1,  “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.” (NKJV)

Despite the terrible riots and assault on the Capitol by an angry white mob, I’m still happy it's 2021. Why? God is still on the throne, and He has ushered in a new season of leadership. Yesterday, the good people of Georgia delivered a majority to the Democratic party. I’m less concerned about what happened yesterday than I am focused on what the new leadership will do with the power. I will be praying for President-Elect Biden and Vice President-Elect Harris more than any other team in history because they are inheriting America at its worse. I believe God will use them to bring great healing to our land.


I also want to thank the incredible teams at Impact Church. We had to pivot laboriously toward online ministry and the hard work of our production team led by Pastor Shawn Frazier, with Jocelyn Brown, Kollette Taylor, and Beatrice Jackson. They allowed us to stream live and worship as a family every week, reaching an average of 2,500 people. Their efforts were boosted by Sherri Jones's ministry, our marketing director, who tripled our website traffic from 13,000 visits in 2019 to 36,000 in 2020! Our increased reach is also why more than 120 people gave their life to Jesus at Impact Church in 2020, which is more than the three years prior. Let’s not forget the weekly devotionals by Pastors Shamar, Tyanna, Carolyn, Dan, Chentel, and Shawn that also lifted your spirit and almost broke Facebook with over 390,000 impressions. Finally, none of this would be possible without the unsung staff heroes that keep things running smoothly. Even though most don’t see what they do – Pastor Graham, Pastor Nancy, Trina Folkes, Lanae Ali, and Keith Blake are Godsends.

Most importantly, I want you to know how very proud I am of your faithfulness. You have sought after God, remained one church in many houses, and stayed focused through it all. I am grateful to pastor people that have resilience. Through all of the losses, you have gained strength, and God is increasing your faith. God is doing something family; we are anointed for this season.


Next Saturday, don't forget to tune-in to the Holy Consecration and ordination of our new pastors. Their ministry will be more incredible because they are being anointed in an unprecedented season. Please pray for them.

Lastly, if you have time, join me tonight at 6pm on The Whole Woman's "Quaran-Tea with Natalie McKenzie." I will be discussing my new book, “The Culture of Money,” and what Black people must do to secure their legacy. Just click here.

God bless you and see you Sunday at one of our two services.

