Baptism on the Beach will take place on August 17th
from 12 pm to 1 pm
Location: Ocean Grove Beach, Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Our annual Baptism celebration allows ICWW family members to declare their faith publicly. Each candidate learns the meaning of baptism by attending an in-person Baptism class at our main campus. Additionally, the parents and god-parents of children being dedicated are taught the significance of children’s dedication.
Candidates are encouraged throughout their journey with daily devotionals, a day of fasting, and corporate prayer. Worship honors God and is an essential part of everything we do at ICWW, including baptism. Live music creates an atmosphere that is conducive to and welcoming for our infinite God to rest!
To commemorate this momentous occasion, each candidate will receive a souvenir T-shirt and baptism certificate. At the conclusion of Baptism, the candidates and their families can decide to remain at the beach for Fun in the SUN After Party.
Take Your Next Step Today
Text the word BAPTISM to:
If you plan to stay to support and celebrate our ICWW family members who are taking the next step to be water baptized, Buy a beach pass for the “Fun in the Sun” after-party. Click here to purchase your pass(es).
Still have questions about baptism? Our team is here to help!
Chentel Pullins
Phone: 908-222-9990 ext.28