We build relationships through Small Groups to eradicate loneliness and grow in faith together!
We need each other.
Small Groups are an essential part of our community! They’re more than just a way to connect with others—they’re the foundation of your discipleship journey. Within these groups, you’ll explore your faith, share meaningful conversations, and grow spiritually. Many members find themselves inspired to take the next step, transitioning from participants to leaders, supported by our comprehensive training and guidance.
How to Become a Small Groups Host in 3 Easy Steps
We’re excited that you’re interested in Hosting a Group!
Thanks again for your interest, and we look forward to hearing from you! First, we want to hear what God laid on your heart for you to want to become a host. You will receive a call from the Small Groups Team shortly. Below, you can find answers to some frequently asked questions about Hosting a Small Group.
What does a Host do?
A Host’s number one job is to welcome people into their Group and make them feel comfortable!
What are the requirements for becoming a Host?
Group Host do not need to be Bible scholars — but they must be growing Christ-followers who fulfill 3 requirements. Qualified Group Host must:
Love Jesus: A committed Christ-follower who is actively growing in the Lord.
Love People: Have natural affection, compassion, and care for people.
Love Impact: Regularly attend Impact Church each week and Groups team meetings.
Small Group Host will be trained and required to:
Attend a Small Group
Attend our New Small Group Host training for initial training.
Attend Small Group meetings once a month where we can help Small Group Host develop and grow.
Attend regular Meetings with the Small Group team lead, approximately once per cycle or 3 times per year, for a time of discipleship, prayer, and problem-solving.
Do I need to have experience?
Any experience you’ve had attending a group or co-hosting a Group in the past is helpful, but we invite you to take your Next Steps in completing Volunteer training even if this is the first time you would be taking on a hosting role.
What kind of support will I have as a Host?
New Host will participate in a New Small Group New Host Training before your Group begins. At the training, we’ll equip and prepare you for your Group launch. You will also be matched up with a Support Host, whom you will meet with regularly for support and encouragement along the way.
How long will my Group last?
We ask that you commit to hosting one “cycle” (usually about 6-8 weeks). Your Small Group team lead will provide tools, study materials, ongoing support, and training for Groups that continue on for the next cycle.
How often will we meet?
Groups meet weekly.
Where will we meet?
Groups meet virtually or at coffee shops, Panera, Diners, or other appropriate public places or Host homes.
What will we study?
Currently, we follow a study guide curriculum written by Bishop DeAndre Salter and Lady Terri Salter, 5-H guides focused on sermons from Bishop Salter and Christian books.
Who will be in my Group?
We encourage you to start a Group with a few people you know. Our website also lists Groups by curriculum, geography, and/or stage of life (such as Married Couples, Wealth) so that others can find and join your Group.
How will people join?
There are many ways for people to join a Group. The first way is that they are invited by the Host or Group members — we believe Groups work best when they build on natural relationships that already exist, so if there are people you know, you can invite them to be in your Group. The second way people join Groups is by selecting one that fits their location and stage of life through our Registration table during each cycle. We also provide an opportunity for people to meet the Host prior to attending a Group meeting. The third way people join Groups is by visiting our website directory at visiticww.com/groups.
What about childcare?
Childcare is not available at Impact church during Small Group meet-ups. Each individual Group is responsible for deciding how to handle childcare needs. Some options are:
Have parents arrange for sitters on their own and attend the Group without children.
Chip in together for a sitter who watches the kids in a different room (When hosted at Host homes) while your Group meets.
Group members take turns watching the kids each week.
I Have Additional Questions. Who Can I Contact?
If you have additional questions about hosting a Group, you can email Small Group Minister Judy John-Styles at jstyles@visiticww.com.