Bishop Salter Update- We Have a Testimony

Hello Family,

I know it's been a minute since my last note. Just know that God is still on the throne, and we are finding comfort in His guidance. I want to say thank you, thank you, thank you for being so open to being part of this move of God. This morning, I received an amazing testimony from one of our members, Michelle, who is experiencing spiritual growth and healing here at Impact. I’m so encouraged by her story of overcoming significant challenges as she navigates the journey of discovering her redemptive purpose. Like Michelle, we are all growing in the power of the Holy Spirit to release us into new beginnings.

Our Testimony

2020 is the most, but we have responded with our faith:

  • 96 people gave their life to Jesus in 2020 compared to 39 in 2019.

  • Our Sunday Services reach an average of 584 households (1,752 people) in 21 states and 5 countries.

  • Our small groups are hosting more than 93 registered people from 8 states and 4 countries for the first time.

  • We sent out 584 masks to our congregation and friends during the peak of the first wave of COVID-19.

  • We gave out 100 kids swag bags filled with school supplies at our September pull-up.

  • We donated $13,500 to small, underserved businesses that could not get approved for PPP money.

  • We supported the needy with food, housings, and financial resources.

  • While over a third of churches are reporting a 50% drop in giving, our giving has dropped 0%. This means we have been able to maintain staff and do effective ministry. This is also a sign that, as promised, God is providing you resources in this downturn!

Stay tuned, He’s not done!

Your Testimony

I am most proud of your affirmation of our leadership during this crisis. You are doing okay; at least that’s what you said in our September survey-check in :)

Your most significant support needs are:

41% Prayer and emotional support

10% Connection and community

18% Opportunities to serve and help others

25% A Bible-centered message of hope and encouragement

7% Ideas on what to do with my kids during this crisis

The great sign of favor on our house is that most of you (59%) are in good fiscal shape and don’t have any basic needs. Your greatest need is emotional support due to increased levels of anxiety. I’m thankful to the pastors in training who have answered the call to give you an encouraging devotional message every Monday at noon on our Facebook page.


What I am most proud of is that 61% of you sense a stronger calling to serve and help others in times like this. I want you to take action on this by stepping into service. We need volunteers for our media and online ministries, small groups, administration, and social media. If you want to serve now – CLICK HERE.

Your Next Update

Family, please keep me informed on your well being. To help with this, I humbly ask that you consider taking 10 minutes of your time today to complete our October check-in. While we are more virtual these days, it helps us direct our ministry's attention to meet the call to grow you as a disciple of Jesus.


Final Words


I know you want to know if we will gather in-person soon. The answer is not right now. With the recent uptick of COVID-19 cases in most of the country and rapid spread predicted through the winter, we will continue to gather in virtual ways. We are also doing renovations in our sanctuary that will allow us to implement a better hybrid church model (online/in-person) when it's safer to gather for extended periods of time for worship. This work will take us 90 days to complete.

Thank you for trusting my leadership as your Bishop. The birthday and pastoral appreciation gifts, cards, emails, and social media posts all make me feel appreciated in a season when I need that most. Leadership in a crisis isn't easy, so I welcome your prayers and support. Thank you also for being like Antioch and trusting the new pastors I am equipping and releasing to serve the world. We are fortunate to have unity in our house, and we must do all we can to KEEP THE DEVIL OUT AND KEEP OUR FAMILY TOGETHER in these last and evil days!

That’s it on my end. It’s a pleasure to lead you and your family into the abundance of God. Pay attention to the NOW, so you can stay tuned into what God is setting up.

Love you much


P.S. It's not too late to join a small group, CLICK HERE to register; maybe I’ll Zoom bomb your group next week!